What to do if your child suffers a burn

National Burns Awareness Month (1-30 June) aims to drive greater awareness amongst the Australian community of burns prevention and the correct first aid treatment for burns.
Severe burn injury can be life threatening. Even small burns can be dangerous for the very young.
Babies and young children have fragile skin and their skin burns deeper and more quickly than adults and at lower temperatures.
Majority of burns are PREVENTABLE and by being aware and making small changes, you can help to keep your family safe!
The most common type of burn injury for children aged 0–5 years is scalds. A scald is a burn caused by hot liquid or steam.
Most scald burns in this age group are due to young children mimicking adult behavior.
This frequently results in burn injuries caused by pulling down hot drinks off tables, reaching up to grab handles of saucepans or by playing with the taps in the bath.
What to do if your child suffers a burn:
Remove all jewellery from around the burn area. Remove any clothing and nappies around the burn area unless it is stuck to the skin.
Cool the burn under cool running water for 20 minutes. Cool the burn, warm the patient.
DO NOT use ice or creams as this can further damage the skin.
Cover the burn loosely with cling wrap or a clean, damp lint-fre
e cloth.
Seek immediate medical advice if the burn is:
larger than a 20 cent coin
on the face, hands, groin or feet
deep or infected
caused by chemicals, electricity or if signs of inhalation injury (blackening around mouth or nostrils, swelling of airways) are evident.
In an Emergency call 000 or 112 if your mobile is out of range or credit.
For further medical information contact your local Burns Unit or Hospital.
79% of severe burns to children HAPPEN IN THE HOME
Check the safety of your home using this handy check list below: